A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure
A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure
PG | 21 November 2006 (USA)
A Car's Life: Sparky's Big Adventure Trailers

Sparky is an adventurous young car trying to find his own road through life. Despite his father's attempts to instill the virtues of restraint and caution, Sparky repeatedly follows the deceitful Diesel into problematic situations.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
beetlemama1970 Now seriously, stay with this. My 15 year old picked this up in a charity shop for 25p and said "I bet this is horrible" - so we bought it to laugh at it over the half term holidays. We watched this today, all three of us as "family time" while we ate spaghetti - its possibly the worse thing I've ever seen, I'm not even sure if my husband is still alive. HOWEVER you must watch it to the end because you will not be expecting that. The best part which they very thoughtfully paused for me while I went to get dessert (I tried) was when Sparky, our 21 year old 8 year old "hero" went to get some body modification and while he was screaming in the background the most FU bird I've ever seen flew over the scene, I thought my son was going to choke to death on his spaghetti, watch the wings. This is very helpfully in the "scene selection" section so you can watch it as many times as you like. Watch it to the end where it takes a Dexteresque turn for the very disturbing. Overall, I don't regret the 40 minutes of physical pain I endured as it led us here to laugh at the amazing reviews, which is probably why you're here. Welcome to the club, we're like plane crash sole survivors, no one will ever understand what we went through. They'll be a group therapy session at the main street YMCA main hall Thursday at 10, see you there.
Big Chungie Deep lore. Beautiful visuals. Plot twists that keep you on your seat. Amazingly-written characters. Yes, you heard it here, folks. This is my favorite anime. Sword Art Online? Attack on Titan? Once Punch Man? Dragonball Z? They don't even have the right to exist when put up against this anime. Honestly, if you don't think this is a good anime, then you need to go study up sister. This is definitely something yo should give a go. It's underrated, well-created, and beautiful. Lightning McQueen? A poser when compared to Sparky the car. You guys honestly need to check yourselves if you watch Cars instead of this masterpiece. This is, indeed, the best anime to ever exist.
Dan I was honestly planning on making a sarcastic review but its not even good enough for that. It physically hurt to sit through this mess of a movie. The animation looks like a 4 year old has found a computer from a dumpster and decided to make a movie. WAS THERE EVEN A PLOT THOUGH. The best part of this movie was when they were beating Speedy and killing her i thoroughly enjoyed that scene. Speedy's voice actor made me suicidal. I hope this company crashes and burns. I regret wasting 40 minutes of my life on this movie.
Robert Ivey That, pretty much, is what one of the main characters of this atrocity sounds like, in text form. I can't say this movie is the absolute worst thing I've ever seen. I even laughed a few times from its sheer stupidity, making it range into the "So bad it's good" category, but it still sucks, which is why I'm giving it a 3 out of 10 instead of, I dunno, a 7. It has all these characters, who are all cars. Now, where in the world did I hear that idea before? It also takes place in the desert. Oh my God! Where could that have been spawned from? It also features a car who learns his lesson at the end. Jesus Christ! I know this came from somewhere! That's right, it's a shameless ripoff of "Cars", which is one of my favorite movies of all time. This is upon a series of crappy animated flicks that are complete ripoffs of other, more superior flicks, and don't even try to hide it. It features the same general character idea, the same settings, the same plot idea. I will eventually review Ratatoing, Kis Vuk, and others of the kind, if I can get a copy of it.