A Candle for the Devil
A Candle for the Devil
PG | 14 October 1974 (USA)
A Candle for the Devil Trailers

Two sisters running a small hotel in Spain kill female tourists whose morals do not meet their strict religious standards.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Bezenby Two sisters run a hotel in some village in Spain, preparing meals for their guests, being hospitable and friendly, and killing young women whom they perceive as slutty, a perception that seems to include 99% of their young female guests, save for Laura, a conservatively clothed lady who is looking for her sister.That'll be the sister who was accidentally killed for sunbathing topless on the roof of the hotel a mere five minutes prior to Laura arriving. The sisters tell Laura that her sister left early that day, which is an excuse she'll be hearing often regarding other guests. Slowly, Laura starts to figure out what's going on, but it could be that she's already too late to save herself...This one has a kind of run of the mill plot but is saved by having two interesting murderers. One sister is a timid type who has a clandestine relationship with the young man who helps out at the hotel, while the other is the more aggressive type, constantly judging others while barely repressing her own sexual feelings, while her frustration manifests itself in murderous ways. There's a bit more depth to the two of them than just maniacal killers.The major problem is not with the film itself, it's with the various presentations of it you'll potentially stumble over. Under the name of It Happened At Nightmare Inn the film runs for about 70 minutes, and it's recommended that you watch it under the name of Candle For The Devil, but there version I watched of that is also heavily cut. The Spanish version seems to be the most complete, because without that you'll have practically no idea of what's going on as such a hack job has been done on the film. While not over the top in terms of gore, you're still missing out on all the nudity and gore, so what's the point? The most shocking murder of the film is cut out almost completely, which harms the impact of the film greatly.I've read somewhere that this is some kind of political allegory on the Franco regime, but I wouldn't have figured that out myself.
soulexpress In the Spanish countryside, sisters Marta and Veronica run a small hotel. They also murder any guest who doesn't live up to their strict, fundamentalist moral code. Because God. Didn't he also say something about not killing? Well, whatever.The film is available in different versions, running between 67 and 120 minutes. I have the 67-minute version, and boy does it feel cut! Scenes just stop, characters react to nothing, there's no blood and gore to speak of…. And what's left is rather dull and not at all original: the murdered guests end up on the hotel's menu, their remains are stashed in wine vats in the cellar, and one of the obnoxiously religious sisters is sexually involved with the hotel's handsome young caretaker. Certain characters' motives and actions are never explained either, though that may be due to the chainsaw- like editing job.Though marketed as a horror film, it's neither scary nor suspenseful. There's nothing to keep us guessing, as we know from the start exactly who is killing those young women. The acting is passable but, as often happens with these low-budget productions, the dubbing stinks.Unlike the most watchable Eurotrash, this film is nowhere near sleazy or exploitative enough to hold a viewer's interest. I'm glad I only subjected myself to 67 minutes of it.
Boba_Fett1138 You can say that this movie is bit of a lackluster but it nevertheless remains a very well made movie.It's hard to classify this movie as anything. It's not really a slasher, since there are simply not enough killings for that and for an horror/thriller it simply isn't exciting enough. But that doesn't make this movie necessarily bad really. It's just a bit of a different movie that takes its own course with its story and I must say that the movie is pretty well done.Seems like Spanish film-makers back in the '70's try to create a same sort of horror sub-genre that was so popular in Italy, around the same time. There are a bunch of Spanish genre movies like this one but none of them really ever was successful or a truly great one. They were lacking too much in originality and gore, among other things. The movie is not really anything special to watch. Although the movie got well done and creates a good atmosphere and also has a pretty good main premise, it remains a pretty tame and lackluster movie. It's still watchable all but it's easily a movie you can do without.6/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
BloodTheTelepathicDog ... or Tony Kendall for that matter. Here, you get a female heavy film with a female protagonist, female antagonists and female victims. There is one major male role in the film but his character isn't very high on the depth chart. This film is pure estrogen horror! Lithe-bodied Judy Geeson travels to Spain to meet her sister at the inn she is staying. However, once Judy arrives, the two spinsters that operate the inn (Bautista and Roy) inform her that her sister has since moved on. Of course, as the viewer knows from the opening scene, Judy's sister hasn't moved on to another lodging but to the afterlife. And the sisters were her escorts. The sisters kill any woman they deem of loose moral fiber since Bautista's betrothed left her for a woman, who as the Coen Brothers would say, "knew how to ply her feminine wiles." In order to get revenge, Marta (Bautista) kills very sweet young thing that comes into her inn wearing Daisy Dukes with the help of her meek sister Veronica.Judy has little to fear because she dresses conservatively and is a proper young woman, but given that her sister is missing, she takes to detective work. She befriends slutty Lone Fleming, another guest at the inn, but their friendship doesn't blossom as the sisters dispatch Lone for being a floozy. When a third young woman arrives at the inn, the beautiful Blanca Estrada, Judy keeps a close eye on her, hoping that Blanca can lead her to knowledge regarding her sister's whereabouts.This is a very interesting film with well-defined characters and enough violence to sustain the interest of modern horror fans. The anti-religion theme is a bit too heavy-handed and will indeed offend some viewers, but this is just a minor horror outing and shouldn't be treated as religious bashing literature.ACTING: Judy Geeson is okay in the lead. She is outshined by the middle aged sisters, Bautista and "Return of the Evil Dead's" Esperanza Roy. Aurora Bautista is delightfully wicked as the elder sister while Roy is equally well as her passive sister. Lone Fleming steals the show as the happy to flaunt her body hussy.STORY: The script has that eerie feel I've grown to crave from Euro-horrors: they do a much better job at building suspense than American horror directors. The revenge plot may be off-putting because of the biblical zealotry of the murderess.NUDITY: None here, which is uncommon for a 1970s Euro-horror.