A Burning Hot Summer
A Burning Hot Summer
NR | 10 October 2011 (USA)
A Burning Hot Summer Trailers

Paul reflects on the summer he met Angèle and Frédéric as he watches his friend being laid to rest.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Martin Bradley Philippe Garrel at his lushest and mercifully at his most accessible. "A Burning Hot Summer" is a delectably sensuous tale of amour fou in which two couples spend a summer together in Rome; a case of Godard meets Minnelli. So as not to stray too far from the fold, Garrel makes one of the women, (Monica Belluci), an actress married to a so-so painter, (Garrel's son, Louis), and the other couple, movie extras. It's the same kind of self-enclosed world Woody Allen might inhabit sans the humour or indeed any attempt at Gallic charm; at times it reminded me of how Joan Crawford used to suffer in mink. All four central performances are excellent, even the usually reticent Louis Garrel makes his mark here. Unfortunately none of these people are particularly likeable and outside of the movie I'm sure I wouldn't want to know them. For once, however, that doesn't prove a barrier when the film is as smart as this one.
Robert G. Small, MD The actors in this French movie with English titles work hard. They act as if they feel everything intensely. The film may be enjoyed if the viewer is French and familiar with the French language and customs. I was unable to feel what the actors obviously wanted to get across to viewers. I was unable to suspend disbelief. The actors dress and personal hygiene does not correspond to what I see every day in America. This may not be a negative to French audiences. The woman in the film regarded as an outstanding beauty would not be so to most American viewers. This criticism may be unfair if viewers expect most young women to be beauty-contest gorgeous. The French woman's persona and actions may make her beautiful to a French person. French audiences may appreciate the realism in dress and actions. If I was asked to recommend this film I would say that French audiences may find the movie entertaining. However American audiences are likely to have difficulty appreciating the French appearance, emotions and behavior.
Joel Johnson My wife and I saw this film at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival under the title "That Summer." This film repeatedly employs what I call "tableau and talk" as it focuses on a visual--perhaps a wall inside a home or an outdoor vista--and then has an off-camera voice-over talk (or more precisely drone) on about something. The film that we saw pretty much opens with the climactic scene so the audience knows very early on where this is headed. It is a film about two couples though the more famous and prosperous couple (Louis Garrel and Monica Bellucci)get the lion's share of the attention. Despite their successes, this couple is clearly more troubled and less happy. They seem to take turns sabotaging the relationship and their actions make neither especially sympathetic. This severely constrains audience investment in the unfolding tragedy. As one may clearly gather from my rating of the film, I was very disappointed. However, I don't think my reaction was atypical for that audience as this was the only festival film out of 30 we saw in Toronto last year for which no one applauded at the end. Every other film that we watched received at least a smattering of applause even though it may have been characterized as polite or even half-hearted.
gioskel This is one of the most boring movies I have seen in a very long time. There were only a couple of scenes worth watching and the rest was same old same old. The only redeeming parts were toward the beginning of the film, and they didn't really tie in to the rest of the movie. It was all downhill from there. Uninspiring camera angles, OK acting, and a plot which leaves a lot to be desired. Louis did a great job, however, and I was surprised that Monica's acting is improving slightly. We all know that Monica is a beautiful lady, but focusing on this aspect of her is starting to get old. She actually did a decent job acting, so it would have been nice if the director had focused more on this than on her physical beauty. Was expecting much better work out of Philippe Garrel. Better luck next time.