A Bunch of Amateurs
A Bunch of Amateurs
| 17 November 2008 (USA)
A Bunch of Amateurs Trailers

Jefferson Steel, a washed-up Hollywood action star, is desperate to revive his flagging career. When his sleazy agent signs him up for what he believes is a high-profile Royal Shakespeare Company production of King Lear at Stratford upon Avon, Steel thinks he has finally landed the plum role he has been waiting for. However, he soon discovers that he has been tricked into joining an amateur dramatics group for a charity production.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
selffamily I don't go to the movies very often - in fact I can't remember the last time - but this was on offer and I'm very glad that I took it up. I have always liked Burt Reynolds, particularly Evening Shade, and I adore Charles Durning, so I squeaked a bit when the names came up at the start. It's a gentle mickey-take of English village life, English country types and the ageing movie start grasping at straws to redeem himself before it's too late. Beautifully shot - I don't care where - in British Countryside with cottages to die for, clear complexions and charming pigs, it is funny, engaging (by the yardstick I judge any film or programme - do I care if they all live or die; the answer in this case, is obviously "yes"). The characters are all wonderfully drawn and the story bowls along at a comfortable pace, witty, pretty and a damn good night's entertainment. I enjoyed an ice cream at the interval, but I shall buy it on DVD.
Dalazen_Junior Don't let anyone tell you what to enjoy and what not. I've read some reviews that weren't very kind to this film, and decided to have an opinion of my own and watch it. Fallen star Jeff Steel (Reynolds at his best) watches his career and personal relationship with his daughter fade away as the years go by and people forget very easily the old icons. As fate would have it, he ends up in a small village in Britain to lead a bunch of amateurs as King Lear in an event that will raise money for charity. This doesn't seat well with Steel, but, this being a romantic comedy, you know that he will go through a great changing, not only as an actor but also as an individual, coming out a better artist and man. A Bunch of Amateurs is a small, simple movie, but the kind of picture you can tell that it was done with the heart. What a cast Burt had in this one. Sir Derek Jacobi steals the film and runs away at every opportunity, the man is just unbelievable, great!His name belongs to the same page as the names of other Britain's favorites, like Anthony Hopkins or John Gielgud. He gave the movie's outstanding performance and stood out among the others. The picture really belongs to Jacobi. Charles Durning couldn't be left out, this being a Burt film, and adds immensely with his presence as Steel's agent, a small role, sure, but it was wonderful to see him back on screen. Samantha Bond represented the moral balance, the soul of the theater actors and the community, she brought so much to it. Imelda Staunton lent her talent to the landlady, the comic relief who brought the funniest moments to this otherwise really nostalgic film that is a homage to the theater and the lives of people who give it all for this dream. Specially moving was when SPOILERS AHEAD Burt is saying good-bye to the folks after the winning theater performance for charity, and suddenly his daughter appears on the doorsteps, a surprise orchestrated by his British friends, and both reunite and all is finally well, father and daughter at peace. Very moving and brought tears to my eyes SPOILERS END. So,don't be fooled. Just don't expect something mind-bending, but if what you're looking for is some ninety something minutes of an entertaining and sweet story, with some laughs and tears, A Bunch of Amateurs if your movie. It reminded me greatly of another British jewel, Bigger than the Sky, another gem that is a must-see!
krbristol My wife hit it on the head by saying it was really a TV film and like Midsomer Murders without the Murders!That's all I really wanted to say except that the performances were generally good and Burt Reynolds wig was excellent and looked almost real. I'm now trying to make this up to ten lines but don't really have that much to say and wish that short, pertinent comments were allowed. Oh I've just remembered that Suffolk suddenly had hills, moved presumably from the Isle of Man so that the film had a tax subsidy. I'm really struggling now to say anything else but I would like these comments to be seen by filmgoers. Phew
tony emment After reading some of the other reviews I wonder what you expect from a nice little English movie. Burt Reynolds was great, but Imelda Staunton was exceptional. She was hilarious in all her scenes and we laughed out loud. It's very British set in a very British setting. If you liked Calendar Girls you'll like this. It's not great art, just great entertainment with a really good British cast, and an ageing but nevertheless very entertaining Burt Reynolds. Burt Reynolds who I must admit I did not think could act was quite good throughout and delivered his Shakespeare well. If there was one criticism it would be the scenes in the US were not brilliantly shot