911: The Road to Tyranny
911: The Road to Tyranny
| 01 January 2002 (USA)
911: The Road to Tyranny Trailers

9/11: They knew. They not only let it happen, they MADE it happen!

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
loleralacartelort7890 I finally got around seeing Alex Jones 911: The Road to Tyranny, which a left-winged friend of mine, told me was very revealing. This left-winged friend of mine, I must tell you also believes in UFO's and that CIA created LSD and AIDS to get rid of opponents – but he is a great guy none the less. The first 30 minutes of" 911: The Road to Tyranny" I was appalled. I really believed in the so-called facts of the documentary. But the documentary quickly fell apart after that. I have never seen a so bias a filmmaker as Alex Jones was in this documentary. Alex Jones carefully chooses the evidence and totally ignores all the tonnes of evidence that speak against his own cause. Further more: all the so called "evidence" can easily be read in another fashion – that is: his entire conclusion can very easily have been misread, because it is based on very few and very easily disputed evidence. This "documentary" is just too political, to be considered neutral or have anything to do with the truth. Alex Jones is simply way too bias in his theories and the way he work. Alex Jones deliberately ignores and lies about certain facts about all facts that just in a small way could compromise his political statements against George Bush and USA. The rest of the documentary is very laughable – Alex Jones does time and time again deny undeniable facts, over and over again, very low-quality job you could say. Alex Jones have taken the few small things that could support your theory, and then you twisted them in a very political way, to fit your own theory People like Alex Jones are ruining the unwritten rules about documentaries should be neutral and non-political. I will never trust a documentary again: thank you Mr. Jones, thank very much for ruining a good and until now neutral genre. I personally respect Michael Moore and his documentaries – they are at least bound in reality. I can sum this political "documentary" up in a few words: Very poor workmanship.
Mac Maniac and although Alex is not as smooth and as cultured as some of the mainstream media's talking heads, he is speaking from his heart, something you just won't see on the evening news. At times he gets angry about the news he's telling, but that is understandable, considering the content of the news he's reporting. This is an excellent film, well-documented, revealing, alarming at times, and perhaps unbelievable at others. But do the research! I did not believe everything that this movie contains, and I still don't; but everything I have taken the time to research and attempt to disprove has turned out to be valid and documented just as is claimed.For those who came to cat-call this film, the fact that the best you can muster is some name- calling and little substance except to invoke the mainstream view says much about the validity of your objections! :)Everyone should see this film!
checkerboardstrangler Most pundits are now claiming that Michael Moore's film lacks something, that it doesn't address many key issues. "Where's the beef" is the comment bandied around in the press. Want beef? Want facts? See this film and gain an understanding of the large forces, mostly economic, some philosophical that seek to dominate the world.Learn why our Constitutional freedoms are considered an obstacle to control by the "globalist" One World Order cadre of wealthy military, banking and industrial elite. Learn why our media is manipulated and why the entire world must be fed a daily diet of fear in order that we willingly give up our rights. Learn why submission to a "new world order" totalitarian world government is essential to their vision of creating a "plantation" for themselves with just enough serfs to administer the hard labor and day to day management of mundane services. Learn why terror plots are first funded and created by the elite in order to "manufacture" a common enemy and thereby "manufacture consent".See the facts, AS REPORTED and ADMITTED to by mainstream media and then see the analysis of these fact, many of which the media hopes will be ignored.If you understand that most do not spend an inordinate amount of time "connecting the dots" in the stream of information that passes before our jaded consciousness, then you will be glad that Alex Jones DOES exactly that.A must see for anyone who has wondered about the false doctrines and false choices we have before us, and for those who wonder if our best interests are being looked after, or undermined.JeffH Ch.S.
n_filyk Watch this and learn how the tyrannical global system will destroy you. Or better yet, watch it and then show others, and do something about it. This is the ultimate and most important video that will help you understand why your government is controlling and manipulating you.