9/11: Press For Truth
9/11: Press For Truth
| 05 September 2006 (USA)
9/11: Press For Truth Trailers

Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In '9/11 Press For Truth', six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington and won! compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Shawn Craver One reviewer here on IMDb.com called this movie "conspiracy theory lite." That is intentionally misleading and inaccurate. 9/11 Press for Truth is a story about wonderfully articulate and impressive women looking for truth about their loved one's deaths. Their journey took them head to head with the Federal government, and what happened may surprise you. There is no propaganda, no conspiracy selling, and no fabrications. The time-line of events is accurate, revealing, and disturbing. In fact, that is why I have given this movie a 9. Watching it may upset a person and change their world view. That can be frustrating experience. However, that is the nature of education.
slurm23 i don't comment often on movies here, but this documentary is an extraordinary exception to the rule. i've seen a lot of the 9/11 stuff out there - from countless news shows, investigative reports and documentaries on mainstream media here in Europe as well as in the States to the pretentious and self-indulging "fahrenheit 911" and even to the far-out Alex Jones and "loose change" stuff. this is the first movie that asks exactly the right questions in an objective, detached and unbiased way (except if you consider the search for truth as some kind of bias).. i guess it should have been expected that in the end only the families (and in large part the strong and courageous women in those families) would be able to muster the necessary efforts for this quest for truth..having received an academic education i tend to be careful about claims without proof or indication to the source.. i wasn't there and therefore i don't know what exactly happened on 9/11, but throughout human history being somewhat skeptical to the official version has always served societies best. the approach of this movie, the families of the 9/11 victims and the "timeline project" of Paul Thompson come closest to scientific research given the financial and organizational limits of ordinary citizens and independent reporters..the movie doesn't give answers and will most likely be rejected by the nowadays thriving conspiracy theory community.. it doesn't rely too much on emotions or dwell on human pain and therefore will most likely miss the attention of a mainstream audience.. it only gives a brief but nevertheless important account of established hard facts and the still unanswered questions that arise as a result.since 9/11 has been the catalyst for not only going to war in Iraq, but also changing and abolishing many laws that were created to protect the civil liberties of Americans and Europeans alike the importance of this event can't be overstated. therefore i can only recommend this movie to anyone who is interested in an mostly accurate overview of what still needs answering in regard to this tragic event.as 9/11 will dominate the political agenda for years to come it is IMHO paramount to demand those questions answered and have some accountability realized in politics as well as in the media. we owe it to our children to ensure that not just SOME measures are taken against the threat of terrorism but that it's the RIGHT ones.. to ensure that not just ANY countries are invaded by our troops but the RIGHT ones.. only if those decisions are made on a sound foundation will there be success in the war on terror and future generations can live in a world made safer by our emancipation from official versions of world events and the unanimously consensual corporate media...
Dominic ... This was an amazing documentary! I've seen Loose Change and several other documentaries that imply the same things as this one, however (no offense Dylan Avery) none of the documentaries that have come before this have been so professionally produced and edited. This one actually cites the SOURCE of the information. They not only speak to family members and witnesses but, as I said, they provide credible sources for every bit of data they produce. This is a documentary based in FACT and not Fantasy. It raises real questions and provides real proof. The people of our country should DEMAND answers.On a side note I find it a bit interesting, and insulting that IMDb places this at the bottom of the page for this title: "Recommendations If you like this title, we also recommend...Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us (2005) (TV)" Please... this is NOT science fiction and we do not run around wearing tin foil hats and camping out at area 51. That is ridiculous and insulting. Imagine how the family members in this documentary would feel knowing that some people consider their cause to be equal to some UFO Sci-Fi garbage.
chuck simon This is an incredibly well-researched and detailed documentary. Paul Thompson has done an amazing job outlining the events that preceded and followed 9/11. This is not a propaganda piece, however it does focus on the efforts of the families of the 9/11 victims to uncover the truth about that fateful day. The Bush administration and the American mainstream media do not fare well in this analysis. I felt as though I was watching Thompson try to put together a jigsaw puzzle made up of a million tiny pieces, scattered all over the globe. Many of the details he has uncovered are completely unknown to most Americans. I found myself moved at times nearly to tears, and at other times driven to anger. Not only do I recommend this documentary, I intend to buy my own copy and show it to anyone who will watch!