666: The Beast
666: The Beast
| 16 October 2007 (USA)
666: The Beast Trailers

Donald Lawson, the devil child from "666: The Child", is now an adult and is determined to fulfill his destiny as the Antichrist.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
TheLittleSongbird The music occasionally has some broodiness, but that is nowhere near enough to save this film. Is it The Asylum's worst? No, that's a tie between 2012: Doomsday, Alien Origin and Titanic II. Is it also as bad as 2010: Moby Dick, Transmorphers, AVH: Alien vs Hunter, War of the Worlds 2 and Death Racers? Not quite, but that is saying very little. I found 666: The Beast cheap to look at, it is dully lit and has slipshod effects, but it was the camera work that really made it so. The shaky camera technique not only gave me a headache but it is also used far too much, and there are also too many shots of Alma Sarachi's bottom. The acting is bland with nobody that stands out, they don't connect with their characters and consequently we don't connect with them either. And no wonder as the characters are so clichéd and underdeveloped. 666: The Beast is a very poorly written as well, the dialogue is stilted and cheesily delivered while the story is sluggishly paced, incoherent and full of overlong exposition scenes and any suspenseful or "scary" scenes missing two vital ingredients to make them work, suspense and a genuine sense of horror. The direction is lazy also as well. Overall, The Asylum have done worse, but in all honesty that is saying little in 666: The Beast's favour. 2/10 Bethany Cox
Woodyanders Humble, but smart and ambitious Donald Lawson (a solid and likable performance by Chad Matthews) gets promoted to junior vice president at the major corporation he works for and discovers that he's really the Anti-Christ. It's up to Donald's loyal and supportive pregnant wife Kate (a sympathetic portrayal by Makinna Ridgway) to stop him before it's too late. Writer/director Nick Everhardt relates the compelling story at a brisk pace, does a good job of creating and maintaining an eerie and mysterious gloom-doom atmosphere that gets darker and more unsettling as the grim plot unfolds, spices things up with some tasty female nudity and a kinky satanic ceremony, and stages the exciting climax with Donald facing off against several Catholic priests in a church with real flair and skill. Moreover, this film is well acted by an able cast: Alma Saraci burns up the screen as foxy and wicked temptress secretary Sydonia, Amol Shah impresses as shrewd and ruthless senior vice president Ashmed Chammadia, Collin Brock brings a strong and credible sense of no-nonsense gravity to the role of helpful and knowledgeable devout priest Father Deacon Cain, and Stephen Blackehart smarms it up nicely as slimy jerk Tom. Bianca Bahena's lively cinematography gives this picture an extra buzzing energy by keeping the camera constantly moving about throughout. The moody score does the brooding trick. A coll little flick.
bareselaaronj It disturbs me to see the negative reviews of 666-The Beast. Okay, it was filmed in 6 days- that just adds to its glory.If these actors,producers, and director were given a Hollywood budget you would see genius unfold on film. This "B" film was far better than any recent big budget horror film easily. The devil's portrayal was the best I have ever seen. The anti-Christ was eerily believable as a self centered. ambition driven, corporate master who cheats on his wife and literally kills all competition.The character of Father Deacon Creed was amazing. The actor portrayed the priest as a an academic who, despite having taken a vow of humbleness before God, can not help but flaunt his superior knowledge of the occult whenever the devil strikes. His accent is a great one and you truly believe that he is an extremely educated and driven agent of the Vatican.The final, climactic scene is one of the best portrayals of the devil vs. the Catholic Church since the Exorcist. The actor portraying Donald really seems to become possessed as he fights an army of Catholic agents. The scene was incredibly acted and is one of the finest climaxes I have ever seen done in a "B" film.IN conclusion, 666-the Best is NOT the joke which others claim it is. It was a dark, well written and superbly acted horror film. The writers, actors and directors did a LOT with little time and money. The fact that it invented its own theological theory about the second coming of Christ is a testament to the brilliance behind the writing and production of one of the bets end of days films I have ever seen.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) 666: THE BEAST Theasylum.cc" Genre that wouldn't die, ANTI-Christ CINEMA !" In the tradition of Devil's Advocate, Omen , and Stigmata…Well sort of. This is a direct sequel to 666: The Child,And the boy has grown up and become the leader of the devil's new army. The director's commentary will amuse and there is no fighting for the microphone like Theasylum's usual. Collin Brock as the lead priest is the best of male leads, Great accent.The actresses are very well represented by- Makinna Ridgway is very talented as our resident good girl and The Bad Girl, Alma Saraci steals every scene she is in with a million dollar arse( Which the producers INSISTED on showing numerous occasions).The film was good and obviously the original did well,But would have preferred a sequel to DRACULA'S CURSE, lol!