6 Days Dark
6 Days Dark
NR | 26 August 2014 (USA)
6 Days Dark Trailers

The victim of an ancient Gypsy curse, a young Serbian woman's world becomes surreal and deadly.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Leofwine_draca 6 DAYS DARK certainly has an international feel to it. It's a Canadian movie, made by a group of Serbians, and shot in Turkey. Unfortunately it's also a complete waste of time as a film, with an incoherent plot and no kind of sense from beginning to end. The film does possess some directorial style but that's not enough to make it a remotely interesting watch, even if you're a fan of indie cinema. The best thing I can say it is that some of the Gothic trappings and set design portrayed early on is half-decent in a SUBSPECIES kind of way, but that's certainly no reason to tune in.
pokeras85 For reasons only known to them, Serbians again strike the world of cinematography with another cheap-shot. This time, even lower budget and even bigger crap. Storyline was cliché even in the early '70s, not to mention now. Insisting on native actors who barely speak English ensured, once again, complete train wrack of a film with many unfortunate victims (by victims, i mean viewers). The feeling of disgust is only further enhanced by god-awful soundtrack composed by Nikola "Blood Mage" Jeremic, self proclaimed and self taught (?!) movie composer,failed heavy-metal guitarist (who couldn't play a proper solo even if his life was depending on it). Now he reinvents himself as a movie composer and ,boy, does he sucks at it. Coming from a Serbian, don't watch our movies dating from 2000. till now. You'll live longer.