3-Day Weekend
3-Day Weekend
NR | 03 June 2008 (USA)
3-Day Weekend Trailers

Long-term couple Simon and Jason, along with daddy-ish Cooper and his boy du jour, escape to a mountain cabin for a three-day weekend away from their hectic city lives. Looking to spice up this long-standing tradition, they add a special twist to this years retreat - each of them must invite one attractive single friend to their mountain getaway.

Cortechba Overrated
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
deiscire Come at this movie with the right mindset and you'll enjoy it. 3-day Weekend, for me, was a study in how relationships change and grow with us, and how we need to grow and change with our relationships.It's pretty apparent from the start of the movie that sparks are going to fly during the course of this movie, of both the sexual and angry nature. Actually, from the premise alone it's clear there's going to be some major sparks. Thankfully, the drama doesn't ever go over-the-top and instead let's the impact of events play more naturally for the viewer.For example, Simon's confession. In the middle of a heated, shouted argument, Jason quietly asks, "Aren't you tired of pretending you love me as much as I love you?" When he's faced with the confession anyone in a long-term relationship fears, he walks out of the room and Simon makes a quiet exit. The impact of his absence felt in the awkwardness the actors did a wonderful job playing to.For some, this felt too open-ended, without a sense of resolution. So let me ask anyone who has had a long-term relationship end: would one three-day weekend be long enough to resolve everything? Another lovely aspect of this film was the mixture of ages we saw. It's not often that I'm treated to seeing older gay men giving advice to their younger counterparts (at least, without being played for camp value). The actors gave each of their characters a certain genuine feeling that I greatly appreciated.The movie does have a few flaws. Occasionally scenes were drawn out too long, certain conversations were left too implicit (what did Cameron and Andre talk about that last night?), and some characters and relationships were underdeveloped. In particular, it wasn't always easy to see the deep (platonic) affection holding Cooper and Jason's friendship together. And Cameron felt like he was just there to be there, though he would have made an interesting foil of sorts for Andre.Overall, though, this was a charming movie, with some wonderful perspectives, from gay men past their partying age (or for those of us who just aren't into that scene), people trapped in a relationship, and those of us starting a new one. It's worth watching, especially if you enjoy studies in characters and their relationships.In closing, a description of our players: Jason (Douglas Myers): The host for the weekend, a man in his late forties who loves to escape to his gorgeous cabin with his best friend, Cooper, and his beloved partner for many years, Simon.Simon (Derek Meeker): Our second host for the weekend and Jason's long-time partner who feels more and more trapped in his relationship. In his words, he's ready for something different.Cooper (Derek Long): A man in his mid-forties, his friends lovingly tease him about always having a boy-of-the-month (and yet, Ace and he have been together for over a year now...) Ace (Stephen Twardokus): Cooper's 'boy-of-the-month', Ace is a sweet and relatively innocent (though not exactly naive) aspiring actor in his mid-twenties. He has faith in his relationship with Cooper and believe he's found 'the one.' Andre (Daniel Rhyder): Simon's guest for the weekend, Andre is a male escort that loves his job and has had Simon as a client for sometime now.Mac (Chris Carlisle): Jason's guest for the weekend, a painfully shy, partly closeted, and warmhearted young man from his work.Kevin (Gaetano Jones): Cooper's guest and his yoga instructor, possessing an uncommon serenity and deep appreciation for the life he has.Cameron (Joel Harrison): Ace's invitee, a party boy who's more interested in getting high than being in touch with nature.
jynx242 I generally liked this movie. A friend I was watching it with said that he did not, and that it was just full of cliché's. Well - he was right; but sometimes, cliché's are comfortable. With low budget indipendant gay films, I don't go in expecting much other than some nudity and cute guys. This movie delivered that, but also a nice story without the usual happy ending.Sure - there were some scenes where the dialog was a bit stilted; but I kind of found that charming as well. I found this a nice way to spend an hour and a half during the evening, curled up on the couch in my pajamas.
thesar-2 '3-Day Weekend' seemed like it was dreamt up in a dark gay bar one night by best buds who had a bit too much and Donna Summer's 'Last Dance' was playing signifying it was closing time. The nicest thing I could say about this movie was that, though they attempted to pick some good looking guys and only three actually were (Carlisle, Jones and Harrison,) they did actually pick all-around guys: bears, queens, someone for everyone. That is, if you only like Caucasians. Unfortunately, everything else either tried too hard, such as the clichéd and predictable dialogue, mostly amateur acting or the tired old drama, almost making this a gay-themed Tyler Perry film. Two couples bring four strangers to a beautiful cabin in the desert. Well, they called it the desert – I live in the desert – Phoenix, AZ, and this is not a desert. Prescott or Flagstaff, AZ, perhaps, but not the real desert. Anyways, they invited these four gay guys with four unique personalities "just for fun." Again, drama ensues and couples fight to end or start to build their relationships while having sex or orgies. Yeah, there's a lot of nudity, mostly butts, to look at. But for the most part, it's just blah, blah, blah. I will say this, the best scene of the movie, didn't even make it in the film – and I'm almost 100% sure it wasn't meant to be. Watch the alternative ending. It had me rolling. Typically, I won't judge a film on DVD extras, or things it is not, but this made up for a lot of the bad in the film. (Ironically, if it had made it in the film, it would certainly be a WTF ending and wouldn't have been as funny.)
chuck-391 Finally, a gay-themed film that just works. Sure the acting isn't perfect, but this micro-budget rises above the surface in queer film-making. The film doesn't do a Hollywood-ized ending of boy and boy reunite; rather, the film uses the three act narrative to lend its protagonist to leave learning something throughout. The use of "threes" is deftly threaded throughout the film...watch for it--three ways, three perspectives on sex with three boys sunbathing, three day weekend, three men who have slept with the same person, etc. It's smart, really smart, and there's something that the filmmaker wants to say within. It's not Citizen Kane, but doesn't try to be. It's just a nice 84 minutes with a big pink bow tied in the end. It's just as pleasant as a springtime glass of Chablis or summertime ale.