2 G's & a Key
2 G's & a Key
| 22 August 2000 (USA)
2 G's & a Key Trailers

After doing three years in prison, an ex-con tries to settle an old debt with a drug dealer, but discovers the dealer wants him dead instead.

Micitype Pretty Good
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
jfgibson73 2 G's and a Key seems to start out like a buddy comedy--Warren and Curtis are drug runners working for Andre, the rich and powerful dealer from Bel-Air. Warren is all business, but Curtis is just out of prison and wants to have some fun. On the way to their first delivery, they stop off at Leticia's house--she's an old acquaintance of Curtis'--and in a few minutes Curtis has made a bad choice that will set up the conflict for the rest of the movie. By tampering with the cocaine he was supposed to deliver, Curtis has angered Andre, the low-level street dealer he was bringing it to, and the dealer's customers. On top of that, he has a very determined rival in Sadd Dogg, another dealer who believes Curtis still owes him a back debt. The movie then gets to a point where Curtis and Warren are in so much trouble that there is no going back, and I started to realize that this movie wasn't going to be a light-hearted comedy.The character of Curtis is hopefully a warning to other young viewers who do not take their responsibilities seriously. In every situation, he was distracted by thoughts of more enjoyable pursuits, until her eventually is responsible for getting Warren killed. I was surprised when the movie crossed that line, but it added an extra gravity to the story. I hope impressionable young viewers were also taking note when Curtis was mourning the loss of his friend, promising him that, "I'm going to make it up to you." Even in death, Warren still has to listen to Curtis' lame excuses.Except that Curtis really does change. He enacts a plan for revenge that ends up taking down both Sadd Dogg and Andre in one final confrontation in a loft. As the movie ends, we see that Curtis is a responsible adult not, albeit as the head of another dealing outfit. However, this is a case where the ending of the movie was so good, it helped make the story as a whole that much better. What I really liked was that Curtis had assumed the role previously filled by Andre--successful businessman, responsible, admonishing his dealers to not mess with the merchandise or any other drugs. Leticia is part of his operation and mentions to the young runners that Curtis "lost a homing messing with the merchandise." Finally, the cycle is complete as we see the young runners pulling away in a Jaguar Curtis has provided. They are arguing about taking the car to visit some girls. One of them is being responsible like Warren was, saying that they need to stick to business, while the other guys sounds like Curtis used to, saying that it will only take a minute, and that they should take advantage of the opportunity to show off the ride.This movie made me want to find more of the movies by the director, Paul Wynne. I don't pretend to believe that it was "realistic" or "authentic," but I was entertained.
Jamaal Weston I liked this movie, don't ask me why because I couldn't give you a straight answer. Just the fact that the lead character some how survives through all that happens is laughable enough to me.I'm not going to give a scene by scene, part by part break down of this flick, there's not much to tell. The action scene's are badly edited, at one point the guy who get's shot has short hair but you can clearly see, unless your blind, that the body double has a bad conk job, like he wore it out under the lights or something.Come to think of it the only scene was the sex scene between the lead guy and gal, they got down on a bathroom sink and it look good ya'll, LOL!! Overall I'd say if you have cable and some free time on your hands and your looking for a movie where you'll laugh and say WTF is this S###? Then this is the movie for you.
Glitch816 So there I am flipping through all the channels when I see Conroe Brooks. Conroe Brooks?? Hey I know that I guy, I went to highschool with his sister. And wow the movie just came on. I watched the whole thing start to finish, and let me tell you at 4 am the movie has gotta be good, for me to pass up sleep that is. The acting was superb. I enjoyed the characters and the little idiosyncrasies each one had. Two things about the movie I didn't like though: one was the editing. I felt that editing was a bit choppy. Just a bit. Not alot, not enough to say, "Dammit what is up with choppy editing crap! Dammit!" but, enough to say, "Hmm...why did the director choose to insert that shot here," and so on, which you should not be asking during a movie in the first place. Your suppose to be thinking about the movie. And the other thing was (u thought I forgot) was the script. I felt the script was good but a bit contrived. Other than that it was a good movie and I enjoyed the amateurish film quality about it. If you are into low-budget indy films than you will like it alot. If your into flashy, run and gun, crazy, blow your house up and kill your pets, while dancing with an uzi, type of shindig, this one has its moments. And if your (shut up Jonathan, sorry sometimes I ramble) Anyways good movie!! And good job Conroe, congrats!
swatwat The acting wasn't the greatest, and overall it had an amateurish feel to it, but I couldn't help liking this flick. I'm not in the game(drugs) so I can't say how realistic it's portrayal of that world is, but I can say that I didn't regret spending 90 minutes watching this movie last night.