| 09 June 2017 (USA)
11:55 Trailers

Upon his return home, a U.S. Marine must face up to the consequences of a shameful tragedy that has defined his past before he runs out of time.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Steineded How sad is this?
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
jenwithapen WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!! DUH ;D Still, I'd hate to get banned for not warning you. ;DA rating of 1 on this site is "awful", or so it says! I'd only add one word to that in order for it to be completely fitting. The movie was _god_ awful. Surprising, too, considering some of the cast!At first, I thought maybe it only struggled with direction (it was as if the directors were trying to say, "People, in general, lack total self-awareness,") but now I think it's just that the directors lacked the mental-fortitude!Not five minutes into the movie you've got the main character buying a gift for someone who is neither 8 years old, NOR A BOY! Instead of apologizing and saying something appropriate, the guy sarcastically offers to buy (the clearly 14-15 yr old GIRL) CONDOMS. Yeesh!This is prefaced with a prior interaction where there was a cashier so clearly uninterested in her job (CASHING what's his nuts out) that she appeared as if she didn't even know there WAS such an invention! So disillusioned with her job, was she, that she seemed like she was giving the camera the slowest eye roll in human history! Then again, the dude who bought the toy car doesn't seem to know where he's at when he asks ghetto-toys'r'us GIFT WRAP IT! Yikes! I probably would have slow-eyerolled, too!Next up, there's the salsa dancing barber who is (FOR WHATEVER REASON) salsaing in the middle of the salon! It's never explained, never even touched upon, just spontaneous dance break!And all of this goodness within the first ten minutes. The lack of self-awareness is key, but after twenty minutes watching these patched together and just as quickly orphaned sequences, I can see why people have rated this one so low! Actually, I'm a little clueless why it's rating this HIGH!There are a billion and half other glaring issues as the "story" (and you'll use that word extremely flippantly, because at 105 minutes in (with just 20 to go) you'll really wonder where the story was!!). Obviously, it wasn't in the movie!Strangely, with 88 reviews, RT has this at a 93% audience approved. At least IMDb is a little closer to true North. ;P We know what's up! And this movie was a real turd. ;D
markstylesnyc I think this was a decent movie.. I'm actually glad it wasn't full of mindless violence and sex scenes. It seems too many movies rely on that nowadays. His acting was first rate.. He came back a marine, torn about what he had done in the past.. It showed the viewer how one can get locked into their past. Yes it could have been more exciting, more gritty, but I thought it was quite view-able the way it was.
Laszlo Santha This is an excellent and entertaining drama/western; a powerful instant classic on its own right. Credibility and authenticity in a movie are the most important proofs of talent. Issler, Snyder and Almanraz, the writers/directors and the lead actor of the film, do have that special talent. They created a carefully designed, suspenseful story about revenge, forgiveness and redemption in the life of a returning US Marine and his community. It is resourceful and successfully avoids gimmicks, packed with well-motivated and surprising twists; it's a gem of creativity, full of fascinating and complex characters. Remarkable film by filmmakers to watch. (In Cinema Village (NY) and also available on Vimeo.com and YouTube.com to buy or rent everywhere.)
M AR After reading the storyline I was excited to see this film. After watching I was not impressed. There is no real depth to the story. The characters backgrounds are not well developed. I think the acting was good. No characters were noticeably bad. Not much really happens in the entire movie. Not enough twists. Suspense was not built up. Ending was not rewarding. Did not care for the way the movie was filmed. No memorable camera angles or scenes. Overall I would rate this borderline 4/10.