10,000 Days
10,000 Days
| 23 November 2014 (USA)
10,000 Days Trailers

10,000 Days ago, Comet 23 struck Earth with the magnitude of all the nuclear weapons in the world sending the planet into a deep freeze. Now, 27 years in the future, those who survived are locked in an epic battle of life or death.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
funbmemt This movie starts out fairly decent. Think Hatfields vs McCoys on desolate ice post doom days. Unfortunately, it is the worst cliff hanger ever. I was waiting for the words "to be continued" to roll across the screen and even looked to see if I was supposed to flip the disk over for part two or something. This movie literally stops in the middle of filming like they ran out of budget to finish it or something. I've heard of leaving endings up to the viewer but this was ridiculous. I liked the characters. I understood where they were attempting to go with it. The filming is low budget but acceptable. The total disregard to end the story or hint at a sequel is seriously disappointing.
TheLittleSongbird 10, 000 Days did have a good idea going for one, and very ambitious for a low budget movie. It also could have been fun with the right execution and if any effort was put into it, sadly that was not to be, because other than a decent performance from John Schneider there is nothing else to recommend 10,000 Days.The acting, other than Schneider, is at best very bad. Peter Wingfield has shown he can be good, but compensates too hard, he tries to be mysterious but comes over as campy instead. The rest of the actors are so amateurish and flat that it's embarrassing. To be fair, they are not entirely to blame as they were saddled with a script that's filled with cornball moments, gibberish explanations (if you call them that) and insultingly irrational sci-fi, as well as very poorly written characters developed in a non-descript and negatively (and, for some, racially) stereotypical way.10, 000 Days' story is very dully paced and incoherently told, with things introduced but either never resolved or even abandoned as well as things that needed explaining but never were. The movie ends far too abruptly, with an leaving-it-all-hanging effect rather than grasping the opportunity in tying up any loose ends, while it also contains some choppily edited and very poorly choreographed fight scenes. People have said that 10, 000 Days felt like a failed TV pilot, something that I wholeheartedly agree with, and it was to be honest a concept that would have worked better as a TV series, the movie just left things too underdeveloped and unexplained.It's a cheap-looking movie as well, shot in a drab and unfocused way and the special effects are laughably bad, and even worse than that in some points (like at the beginning). The music is largely uninteresting, and there is very little competence in the direction. Overall, liked the concept but absolutely hated the execution. 1/10 Bethany Cox
angelav-44055 This has got to be close to one of the worse films I have ever seen and could not cope with watching all of it as it was so bad. It could have been so much better as the base storyline is not too bad. The script was very dull and amateur and the characters very weak, how it ever got released is a mystery to me.Disjointed scenes all over the place jumped from one subject to another. I left watching it to do ironing which I hate but it was better than having to watch the rest of this film.Don't waste your time watching it go do something more entertaining. If this film made any money I would be surprised.
mjcarter73 Well this is a very poor movie. The story revolves around a new ice age following cometary impact and the scenario has two themes. A romeo and Juliet situation and whether the world will warm up. The latter has two options either a natural event or a deliberate intervention using nuclear weapons, access to which the survivors acquire through their discovery of air force one. However none of this is resolved, the lovers are still in warring families, the nucs are never launched but still threaten and two young people set off to find a warmer land walking right out of the script. This is one of those stories where the writer has envisaged a situation but really has no idea what could happen to make it interesting. The movie simply ends in the middle resolving nothing. I see another reviewer threatens a sequel... I don't think so because I think they simply ran out of ideas. In my opinion Movies that don't have a start a story and an end should simply never be made. Sadly this one was and as a viewer I feel cheated.